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Humans are long gone. Will your lumberpunk beavers do any better? A city-building game featuring ingenious animals, vertical architecture, river control, and deadly droughts. Contains high amounts of wood.


Turn timber into sophisticated machinery – from water wheels and sawmills to engines and shredders. Wood is the core resource in Timberborn, but the most advanced structures require metal. To find it, send your scavengers to the ruins of the old world.

Vertical architecture

Create a thriving beaver settlement using a vertical architecture system. Space is limited, so stack lodges and workshops on top of each other, construct platforms and bridges, and set up a power grid for your growing population.

...and more!

Ever since the project started, we have been improving the game and adding new features based on community feedback. We’re making the world’s first beaver city-builder so if you want to carve it with us, hop into Timberborn Early Access!

Here you can download Timberborn for Free